Diabetes Prevention Education

At Access to Healthcare Network (AHN), we are passionate about creating healthier communities. By connecting individuals and organizations with innovative programs and services, we assist them in managing their healthcare needs effectively, efficiently and affordably. As a registered 501(c)3 non-profit, AHN is dedicated to empowering individuals at risk of developing diabetics to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives by providing access to comprehensive, evidence-based, and patient-centered self-management education.

The Access Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a Center for Disease Control (CDC) approved curriculum designed to help individuals at risk of developing type II diabetes help better manage their health, lose weight, and take the necessary steps to never develop diabetes to begin with.

What is Prediabetes?

Prediabetes is when your blood glucose levels are too high, but not high enough to be called diabetes. People who develop type 2 diabetes usually have prediabetes first. If you have prediabetes, you are at much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also at risk of developing other health conditions, including heart disease or stroke.

Who is at risk for Type 2 Diabetes?

You can get type 2 diabetes at any age, but you are at higher risk if you are older, overweight, have a family history of diabetes, are not physically active, or are a woman who had gestational diabetes.

What can I expect in the Diabetes Prevention Program?

The Diabetes Prevention Program is a lifestyle change program led by a trained lifestyle coach to help you learn new skills, encourage you to set and meet goals (weekly, monthly, and long term), and keep you motivated. You will meet with a group of 8-20 people in a small group setting where you will share ideas, celebrate successes and work to overcome obstacles. The program will be tailored to meet the needs of individuals within the group.

Sessions will meet weekly for the first 16 weeks, then every other week for two months (four sessions), and finally monthly for the last six months for a total of 26 sessions.

Topics covered in the program include

  • Healthy eating and nutrition

  • Cooking healthy food (cooking demonstrations)

  • Becoming and staying active

  • Successful methods for weight loss

  • Stress management

  • Better sleep

  • Communication with your healthcare provider

  • Effective symptom management and coping skills

  • Goal setting, decision making, and problem solving

Get Started

Contact us for more information and to register for a diabetes education workshop.